by Casey Dubose | Aug 11, 2020 | Accident
Tragedy struck the Kozhikode as a B738 overran the runway over the weekend. Indian social media was quick to call the pilot a decorated hero who saved an aircraft with damaged gear and low fuel. However, as the investigation continues, it looks like none of the above...
by Casey Dubose | Aug 1, 2020 | Accident, Alaska Accident, Commercial Aviation Accident
In three weeks, there have been three deadly mid-air collisions between commercial operators and general aviation aircraft. It is an unprecedented series of avoidable accidents in a year where the FAA mandated technology that should make this less common. The accident...
by Casey Dubose | Jul 8, 2020 | Accident, General Aviation, Slider Featured
The 4th of July holiday weekend is one of the busier times of the year for general aviation. Unfortunately, this also means that there are often tragedies that mar the festivities. In this case, a Cessna 172 that was rented from a Salt Lake and Spanish Fork-based...
by Casey Dubose | Jul 6, 2020 | Accident, General Aviation
Local witnesses and pilots report that it was a direct collision between Coeur d’Alene-based scenic floatplane operator Brooks Seaplane in a Beaver and an unidentified general aviation Cessna 206 out of Lewiston. Aviation Law Group has handled many seaplane...
by Casey Dubose | Jul 2, 2020 | Accident, General Aviation, Slider Featured
Wednesday evening was punctuated by a seaplane crash in Lake Washington. The two occupants were rescued by a private boat and are reported to be uninjured. The cause is to be determined. This accident happend within hearshot of Bob’s front yard. He...