by Casey Dubose | Jan 31, 2025 | Accident, CAAC, Commercial Aviation Accident
央视报道,华盛顿撞机事故遇难者中有2名中国公民。我们向AA5342空难遇难者及其家属致哀,我们的心与其同在。 我们能在美国以航空律师事务所的身份提供您相关的法律服务。 Aviation Law Group 律师 Chris Rusing 多次亲自驾驶加拿大支线喷气式飞机以降落到里根国家机场。他指出,这很有挑战性——尤其是在夜间——而且遇到一架直升机在短距降落时会完全出乎意料。 航空法律集团(Aviation Law...
by Casey Dubose | Dec 25, 2010 | CAAC, General Aviation
In 2004, the CAAC promulgated rules that mandate that airlines compensate passengers who are delayed for more than 4 hours. However, those rules, in 《航班延误经济补偿指导意见》, did not provide any details on the amount, means, or enforceability of that...