

在此我们向中国东方航空空难遇难者及其家属致哀,我们的心与其同在。 我们能在美国以航空律师事务所的身份提供您相关的法律服务。而我们的事务所也正好位于波音總部的华盛顿州,波音737-800的设计及组装也是在此完成。 航空法律集团(Aviation Law...
Glider Tow Plane Crash in Hawaii

Glider Tow Plane Crash in Hawaii

Dillingham Airfield on the north shore of Oahu suffered a second deadly air crash by a commercial operation within a year. The Cessna 305A crashed shortly after takeoff from the field. The aircraft is a tow plane for Honolulu Soaring and was engaged in proficiency...