Aviation Accident Attorneys
Aviation Law Group PS is a leading law firm representing persons on the West Coast and throughout the United States, in aircraft accidents and other aviation-related cases involving serious injury and wrongful death. ALG has expanded its domestic practice nationally to include the West Coast and East Coast, with offices in Seattle, Washington, Honolulu, Hawaii, and Jupiter, Florida. With more than 35 years of experience practicing law and more than 45 years in aviation, ALG is proud of our highly credentialed attorneys, who are all also certified commercial pilots and two are certified mechanics. ALG has a long history of excellent legal work and results on behalf of hundreds of clients in the highly technical and complex area of aviation litigation. ALG attorneys are licensed to practice law throughout the United States, including Alaska, Washington, Hawaii, California, and Florida. We routinely handle cases throughout the U.S., and with local counsel we can bring our aviation experience to cases in all 50 States, Canada, and Internationally.

Bob Hedrick
Attorney 30+ years
Commercial Pilot
A&P Aviation Mechanic
20+ Years Professor of Aviation Accident Law

Casey DuBose
Attorney 10+ years
Commercial Pilot
Flight Instructor
Fluent Mandarin Chinese
Professor of Aviation and Space Law

Kerry Kovarik
Attorney 16+ years
Commercial Pilot
Airframe and Powerplant Mechanic
Former FAA Authorized Inspector

Chris Rusing
Attorney 20+ years
Airline Pilot & Instructor
Airbus 320 Series Captain
Aviation Accident Law
General Aviation Accidents
General aviation involves private and recreational flight activity. It includes non-airline flights such as scenic flights, flight training, private flights, recreational flights, helicopter flights and operations, seaplanes, flying clubs, business flights, gliders, and a lot of other aerial activity. All of Aviation Law Group attorneys have extensive experience in many aspects of general aviation, from flying and instructing, to operations and aircraft maintenance. Since 1988, our lawyers have handled accidents involving nearly all aspects of general aviation activity for airplanes, helicopters, and fixed base operators.
Helicopter Accidents
Helicopter accidents often involve issues of external load operations such as longline or external load (link to external load), heli-lifting, heli-logging, and fire-fighting support.
Major Airline Accidents
ALG attorneys have represented numerous families who lost loved ones in major airline disasters, such as the January 31, 2000, Alaska Flight 261 accident near Point Hueneme, California, and the February 25, 2009, Turkish Airline Flight TK 1951 accident in Amsterdam. We have extensive experience with international airline liability law, including the Montreal Convention and its predecessor the Warsaw Convention, where issues of liability, jurisdiction, applicable law, and recoverable damages are complex. ALG attorneys have given many talks and written numerous articles in this specialized field of law. Mr. Hedrick also teaches the Montreal Convention as part of his Aviation Accident Law course at Seattle University School of Law.
International Coverage and Regional Expertise
Unfortunately, aircraft accidents occur nearly weekly throughout Washington. In addition, many aircraft accidents outside of Washington involve Washington manufacturers or operators.
Because of the extent of aviation activity throughout the 49th and largest state in the U.S., Robert Hedrick obtained his attorney license in Alaska nearly 20 years ago in 2002 and is an active member of the Alaska Bar Association.
Aviation activity is unique in the Hawaiian archipelago because of its location and geographical topography.
Recent Aviation Law News

Mourning the loss of a Northwest Space and Aviation Pioneer – William Anders
Maj. Gen. Anders’ passing is a profound loss for the aviation community and beyond. His contributions to space exploration, his commitment to preserving aviation history, and his dedication to environmental and educational causes have left an enduring legacy.

NTSB Preliminary Report On the March 30, 2024, Truckee, California TBM 700 Accident Raises Eyebrows at Aviation Law Group
With an experienced pilot with 250 hours in N960LP in the prior 16 months, a pilot-rated passenger – as per the NTSB, and the fact that they were flying their own aircraft into their home airport in daylight hours, this does not appear to be a classic case of controlled flight into terrain, as the final descent suggests otherwise.

Singapore Airlines Flight 321: ALG Lawyers Concerned About Yet Another Severe Turbulence Accident
Recent research suggests that turbulence incidents are increasing, potentially due to climate change and elevated carbon dioxide emissions affecting air currents. In this accident, Aviation Law Group is concerned that some of the relevant cockpit data information may not have been saved or recorded, giving investigators a less-than-complete picture of exactly what went on.
Hedrick Speaks To The Bar of Ireland On Trials In The U.S.
(L-R J.J. Camp QC, Associate Counsel, CFM Lawyers, Canada, Micheál P O’Higgins SC, Chairman Council of The Bar of Ireland, Ireland, Sigrid Preissl, Managing Partner, Bourayne & Preissl, France, Robert F. Hedrick, Attorney, Aviation Law Group PS, Seattle, Niamh...
NTSB begins inquiry into Fatal South Dakota PC-12 Crash
The busiest traveling weekend of the year was marred by multiple general aviation accidents across the county. The worst of involved a Pilatus PC-12 that crashed shortly after takeoff from Chamberlain Municipal Airport (9V9) which 9 of the 12 people on board the...
Hedrick Speaks To Canadian Bar Association On The Future Of Helicopter External Load Technology
On October 30, 2019 Robert Hedrick gave a PowerPoint presentation to the Air Law Section of the Canadian Bar Association in Vancouver, British Columbia, on: Drone Technology For Helicopters And Beyond: The Legal Landscape. Robert discussed new drone technology that...
Fatal Alaska Crash ends 6 years of airline safety
A PenAir codeshare flight for Alaska Airlines overran the runway at Unalaska, AK (USA) with 38 passengers and 3 crew. The aircraft came to a stop about 125 meters/400 feet past the end of the runway partially hanging down a slope into the sea, the left-hand propeller...
ALG attorney Bob Hedrick Speaks To Scottish Bar Association On Cross-Examination
On May 18, 2016 AGL attorney Robert Hedrick gave a PowerPoint presentation to Scotland's Faculty of Advocates, in Edinburgh, Scotland. Below is an article from the Scottish Legal News publication, which can also be viewed at:...
ALG Attorney Addresses Montreal Convention At International Aviation Law and Insurance Conference
Robert Hedrick was invited to present at the 9th Annual Conference On International Aviation Law and Insurance, held in Edinburgh, Scotland in May, 2016. Mr. Hedrick was on a panel discussing international air carrier liability with other leading industry experts...
Aviation Law Group wins one of the top 100 largest verdicts in the U.S.
In February 2013, following a 3 week jury trial, a King County Superior Court Jury in Washington returned a verdict in favor of our clients, and the clients of co-counsel, for the death of three people in an aircraft accident in Western Washington. The twelve person...
ALG Licensed in Washington, Alaska, Hawaii, and California
ALG attorney Robert Hedrick has added to ALG's attorney license expansion by taking and passing the July Hawaii Bar Exam. Hedrick put it into perspective: "while this is the fourth bar exam that I have passed, it has been nearly 20 years since my last bar exam, and...
Aviation Attorney Hedrick Speaks at the 2015 Aviation Insurance Seminar
ALG attorney Robert Hedrick were recently invited to give presentations at the Northwest Aviation Insurance Association Seminar in Seattle. On November 5, 2015, ALG attorney Robert Hedrick participated as part of an insurance and legal claims panel, where Mr. Hedrick...
Hedrick addresses Federal Preemption Issues At Pacific Northwest Aviation Law Seminar
ALG attorney Robert Hedrick was invited to give a presentation at the 42nd Annual Pacific Northwest Aviation Law and Insurance Seminar, held in downtown Seattle October 9-11. His topic was "Engines, Regulations and Preemption: Spontaneous Combustion For Judges...
ALG files Suit On Aircraft Misfueling Accident
ALG attorneys Robert Hedrick and James Anderson have filed a lawsuit regarding a fatal aircraft accident in downtown Spokane, Washington. The Complaint filed by Hedrick and Anderson alleges that the aircraft was improperly fueled with Jet Fuel instead of AvGas, a...
ALG’s Hedrick Completes Speaking Tour In Australia
Robert Hedrick recently travelled down under to give a series of presentations to attorneys and law students in Australia. On May 9, 2014 he gave a presentation at the 33rd Annual Aviation Law Association of Australia and New Zealand in Melbourne, entitled Recent...
Representative Cases
Airplane Mis-fueling Accident
A lineman working for local aircraft fueling operation pumped Jet-A aircraft fuel into the tanks of a reciprocating single-engine airplane, which required 100 octane low lead fuel.
Defective Carburetor Accident
In February 2013, following a 3-week trial, a Washington jury returned a verdict for $8.9 million in favor of our client against an aircraft engine manufacturer.
Regional Fly-In Accident
After a 3-week jury trial, Robert Hedrick obtained a $10.5 million verdict against a regional fly-in host and its national counterpart. The case involved failure to arrange for adequate fire and emergency response at the event, which caused a pilot to die needlessly.
Aircraft Design Defect
Last year, after a two-week trial, a 12-person jury returned a verdict in favor of the clients of Aviation Law Group, finding that an aircraft’s flight control system was defectively designed, which caused the deaths of a pilot and his passenger.
Firm Contact Information
If you or a loved one has been the victim of an aviation-related accident, please reach out to us. We are always willing to provide a free initial evaluation and meeting.